Our Methods
The Foundation for Farming method:
"Participants learn the minimal requirements to become self-sufficient and generate surplus from their land. With these practices farmers escape poverty, have healthy diets, improve the environment and generate enough income to build a better future for themselves and their families. FfF's training is based on a holistic, biblical, character-based approach that relies on personal transformation to achieve lasting behaviour modification and results. Farmers learn to return to a circular economy as faithful stewards of nature that unlocks productivity, sustainability and profitability.
On Time, At standard, Without waste and With joy. If you apply these principles to any business, invariably in the end you will make a profit. Profit is the fruit of faithfulness."
- Foundation for Farming (FfF)
The African Money Mapping Method:
This programm educates farmers in the bascis of biblical financial stewardship. Its goal is to provide communities with the foundations of financial stewardship, which enables them to manage their assets wisely, become self-sufficient, and plan properly for the future.
The Journey Begins - God calls me to go on a journey with Him. He has a perfect plan for my life.
Ownership – God owns everything.
Work – Work is a blessing.
Spending – Understanding needs from wants and establishing a spending plan.
Debt – Understanding its negative impact.
Saving and Investing – Planning for the unexpected and the future, creating a discipline of denying ourselves.
Giving – Learning the joy of giving and being generous.
Knowing God – The key of a heart transformation. God is a good God and has a plan for our lives.
Honesty and integrity - The importance of creating a foundation based on integrity and honesty to see God move in our lives.
Leaving a Legacy – Planning to leave an inheritance for our children or our loved ones.